Registration of charitable organization (foundation)
To register charity foundation quickly and without any outgoings you will succeed only accompanied by professional and experienced lawyer. Law firm «Aleksey Pukha and Partners» is a company staffed with professionals. The registration department will solve important problem for you, namely register charity foundation in a short time and with absolute assurance.
One of the varieties of charity organizations - charity foundation whose work is exclusively charity interests, acting only within the statute frames, has founders. The founders may be a person under 18 years old, as well as a legal entity, the founder may be a resident or non-resident of Ukraine and even a stateless person. To carry out charity activity charity organization can only with the voluntary ground (initiative), to force such activity nobody can.
Passport (copy)
Identification Number (copy)
Name of the future charity foundation
Registered address of the future charity foundation
Extract, which confirms the state registration of legal entity
Not a resident of Ukraine need to provide a proof of registration of the enterprise from his/her country. Company «Aleksey Pukha and Partners» will prepare for you charity foundation protocol, Statute, statement that will be notarized, registration card, will provide complete package of documents for state registrar, will get for you an extract from Unified Register of charity foundation. Also will apply documents to the statistical bodies and will obtain the corresponding statements. Will solve issues with the Tax Inspectorate and will obtain statement about a profit of organization. Documents will be submitted to the Pension Fund. Also will be obtained statement with the number of the payer of the single payment. The company will receive a seal, will open a bank account.