Registration of corporation
Do you come up with corporation registration? «Aleksey Pukha and Partners» will solve this issue for you quickly, accurately and for reasonable price. In its essence corporation is an association of companies, which have mutual commercial and production interests. Members of corporations have the right to depute powers, each in its discretion, however it is not a hindrance to keep legal person status.
Company (enterprise) – members of corporation have certain rights which concluded that they can voluntary leave a corporation, receive reporting information about the work, be members of other associations of all types, and of course to make a profit from the work.
In addition there are the rights and powers of the supreme governing body of the corporation, they are as follows:
- Approval of the Statute
- Issues about the exclusion of the corporations
- Issues about the acceptance to the corporation
- Financial issues
Documents that are necessary for «Aleksey Pukha and Partners» lawyers:
- The Statute
- Extracts from the Unified Register and Certificate of Incorporation (registration) of the company
- Director’s documents
- Information about the main goals of the future Association
Experienced team of lawyers «Aleksey Pukha and Partners» will consult you and will advice you which way you need to follow for corporation registration in a proper manner. Lawyers will prepare full package of the documents as well as accompany you during the entire registration procedure in all bureaucratic and government bodies.
Negotiated price.