Registration Media and News Agency
«Aleksey Pukha & Partners, Law Company» will help you to register the media quickly and efficiently. Periodic and those which are extended, publications, which are produced under constant name, with an interval of one or more rooms (issues) during the year on the basis of the state registration certificate are printed media.
Organization of its activities can be carried out only after the state registration of the Law of Ukraine "On the print media (Press) in Ukraine" and the Law of Ukraine "On the information agencies".
News agency activities the subjects of information activities that act to provide information services - the collection, processing, creation, storage, preparation of information for distribution, production and distribution of information products.
Under Part 2 of Art. 11 of the Law of Ukraine "On the print media (newspapers) in Ukraine state registration is required for all print media, which are published on the territory of Ukraine regardless of the scope and method of manufacture. Also subject to state registration all news agencies and representative offices of news agencies that are based or operating in Ukraine. Register printed news media or have the right to residents and non-residents of Ukraine, as well as Ukrainian and foreign legal entities.
- State Registration Service
- the Chief Directorate of Justice Ministry of Justice, authorized by Ukrstateregister.