- State registration of enterprises
- State registration of associations and citizens
- Registration a local community organization
- Registration Ukrainian public organization
- Registration an international public organization
- Registration ukrainian charitable organization
- Registration of an international charitable organization
- Registration of charitable organization (foundation)
- Registration the cooperative
- Registration union owners of apartment houses (UOAH)
- Registration Union citizens' associations
- Registration of religious organizations
- Registration of the trade union
- Registration the Association
- Registration of corporation
- Registration consortium
- Registration concern
- Registration holding
- Registration of Branches and representative offices of business entities
- Registration Media and News Agency
- Re-structuring and bankruptcy of enterprises
- Amendments to the statutes
- Registration of changing director of the company
- Registration of change activities (CTEA)
- Registration of changing the composition of of the founders
- Registration of changing registered office
- Registration of company name change
- Registration of changing the authorized capital of the enterprise and other changes to statutes
- Making / changing stamp, facsimile
- Getting information from the registry (abstract, reference, extract)
- Opening the bank account
- Confirmation of information about the company or public organization
- Obtaining a building permit
- Obtaining a building permit
- Transport License
- The license for the retail sale of tobacco and alcohol
- The license for wholesale trade in tobacco and alcohol
- License for import, export of alcohol
- The license for the collection and recycling
- License to collect and recycle scrap metal
- The license for precious metals
- License due
- The license for educational activity
- Emergency license for fire operations
- The license for medical practice
- License to practice veterinary
- License to manufacture, transport of heat
- The license for the retail and wholesale trade in medicines
- The license for tour operator activities
- The license for the sale of pesticides and agrochemicals
- License for fumigation
- License of security activity
- The license for land management and land assessment
- Customs Broker License
- License for employment abroad
- NBU license for deposit
- Licensing of insurance activities
- Obtaining permits
- Permission for start work with increased risk
- Resolution GASC at the beginning of the construction work
- Resolution of emergency
- Permission for placement of outdoor advertising facility
- Permission of sanitary-epidemiological service
- Development (assessment of environmental impact) of the EIA
- Special permission to mineral resources
- Obtaining permission for concerted actions
- Getting permission for concentration
- Сertification
- Corporate services
- Corporate legal services
- The program of corporate legal services "Business - Consultant"
- The program of corporate legal services "Business - Start"
- The program of corporate legal services "Business +"
- The program of corporate legal services "Business - Premium"
- The program of corporate legal services "Business - Prestige"
- The program of corporate legal services «VIP»
- The program of corporate legal services "Individual"
- Corporate legal services to individuals "Consultant"
- Corporate accounting services
- Corporate personnel services
- Corporate legal services
- Representation in courts
- Representation in economic courts
- Representation of interests in cases conserning the conclusion of economic agreements and their termination
- Representation of interests for the supply of goals and services
- Representation of interest of the protection of intellectual property objects
- Representation of interests in cases of compensation for losses, damages and penalties
- Representation of interests for the protection of property rights
- Representation of interests of foreign trade contracts
- Representation of interests about signing the governmental agreements and its dissolution
- Representation of interests for the recognition of treaties invalidate
- Representation of interests in disputes with banks
- Representation of interests in disputes with insurance companies
- Representation in administrative courts
- Representation of interests in cases of administrative offenses
- Partitipation in trail
- Representation in the Supreme Court of Ukraine
- Representation of the European Court of Human Rights
- Representation in International Commercial Arbitration
- Representation in enforcement proceedings
- Representation of intersts of the public authorities
- Representation in economic courts
- Tax
- Consultation on tax legislation
- International tax law
- Arm and disarm the tax registration
- Change of information "form 1 - OPP"
- Getting notification, take in account, creating, changes the slave, close unit tax payer "Form 17-OPP"
- The application for re-registration of tax payer "form of 5-OPP"
- Application for termination of the taxpayer "Form 8-OPP"
- Application for deregistration due to change of place "form 9-OPP"
- Receipt of the unpaid taxes and obligatory payments to the tax payer "form 10-OPP"
- Get reference on deregistration taxpayer "Form 12-OPP"
- Notice / exclusion of tax payer to / from the category of large payers or on change of accounting tax payer "form of 15-OPP"
- Receive notices of the absence of a legal entity for the location "Form 18-OPP"
- Getting help on the absence of debt on taxes and duties (mandatory payments) "Form 22-OPP"
- Tax reporting
- Tax audits
- Obtaining certificates, certificates, permits, licenses
- Obtaining certificates on of debts to the state budget
- Obtaining the certificate of an individual serial number
- Receipt of the certificate of a unique registration number for a foreigner
- Obtain a certificate of VAT payer
- A certificate single tax
- Obtaining permission to register a cash register
- Getting trading patent
- Tax disputes
- VAT refund
- Removing mills 9
- Property
- Legal advice on real estate transactions
- Development and analysis of agreements related to real estate
- Legal expertise regarding real estate transactions
- Making excerpts from the Register of Immovable Property Rights
- Making technical certificate having technical inventory
- Conversion facilities / buildings from residential to non-residential
- Issue of ownership of real estate
- Privatization of property
- Building
- Lawyer Land Law
- Migration relations
- Get reference
- Preparation of official documents
- Legal consultation on contract law
- Legal analysis of the contract
- Legal support of when concluding the contract
- Preparation of a contract
- Preparation of foreign economic contracts
- Preparation of additional agreements
- Preparation of applications
- Preparation of complaints
- Preparation of claims
- Preparation of applications to law enforcement authorities
- Preparation of responses to claims, petitions, complaints and other references
- Legal assistance for international business in Ukraine
- Registration of company, firm, Limited Liability Company in Ukraine
- Provision of registered office
- Legal support of marriage and divorce with foreigner
- Legal assistance of surrogate maternity
- Adopting a child in Ukraine by foreigners
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Legal services for business :: Our projects
Our projects
Law Company Aleksey Pukha & Partners has signed the contract about legal service of one of the building companies
Law Company has signed the contract about legal service of one of the building companies. Within the limits of the signed agreement the Company provides legal support in preparation of legally significant documents and the analysis of activity.