- State registration of enterprises
- State registration of associations and citizens
- Registration a local community organization
- Registration Ukrainian public organization
- Registration an international public organization
- Registration ukrainian charitable organization
- Registration of an international charitable organization
- Registration of charitable organization (foundation)
- Registration the cooperative
- Registration union owners of apartment houses (UOAH)
- Registration Union citizens' associations
- Registration of religious organizations
- Registration of the trade union
- Registration the Association
- Registration of corporation
- Registration consortium
- Registration concern
- Registration holding
- Registration of Branches and representative offices of business entities
- Registration Media and News Agency
- Re-structuring and bankruptcy of enterprises
- Amendments to the statutes
- Registration of changing director of the company
- Registration of change activities (CTEA)
- Registration of changing the composition of of the founders
- Registration of changing registered office
- Registration of company name change
- Registration of changing the authorized capital of the enterprise and other changes to statutes
- Making / changing stamp, facsimile
- Getting information from the registry (abstract, reference, extract)
- Opening the bank account
- Confirmation of information about the company or public organization
- Obtaining a building permit
- Obtaining a building permit
- Transport License
- The license for the retail sale of tobacco and alcohol
- The license for wholesale trade in tobacco and alcohol
- License for import, export of alcohol
- The license for the collection and recycling
- License to collect and recycle scrap metal
- The license for precious metals
- License due
- The license for educational activity
- Emergency license for fire operations
- The license for medical practice
- License to practice veterinary
- License to manufacture, transport of heat
- The license for the retail and wholesale trade in medicines
- The license for tour operator activities
- The license for the sale of pesticides and agrochemicals
- License for fumigation
- License of security activity
- The license for land management and land assessment
- Customs Broker License
- License for employment abroad
- NBU license for deposit
- Licensing of insurance activities
- Obtaining permits
- Permission for start work with increased risk
- Resolution GASC at the beginning of the construction work
- Resolution of emergency
- Permission for placement of outdoor advertising facility
- Permission of sanitary-epidemiological service
- Development (assessment of environmental impact) of the EIA
- Special permission to mineral resources
- Obtaining permission for concerted actions
- Getting permission for concentration
- Сertification
- Corporate services
- Corporate legal services
- The program of corporate legal services "Business - Consultant"
- The program of corporate legal services "Business - Start"
- The program of corporate legal services "Business +"
- The program of corporate legal services "Business - Premium"
- The program of corporate legal services "Business - Prestige"
- The program of corporate legal services «VIP»
- The program of corporate legal services "Individual"
- Corporate legal services to individuals "Consultant"
- Corporate accounting services
- Corporate personnel services
- Corporate legal services
- Representation in courts
- Representation in economic courts
- Representation of interests in cases conserning the conclusion of economic agreements and their termination
- Representation of interests for the supply of goals and services
- Representation of interest of the protection of intellectual property objects
- Representation of interests in cases of compensation for losses, damages and penalties
- Representation of interests for the protection of property rights
- Representation of interests of foreign trade contracts
- Representation of interests about signing the governmental agreements and its dissolution
- Representation of interests for the recognition of treaties invalidate
- Representation of interests in disputes with banks
- Representation of interests in disputes with insurance companies
- Representation in administrative courts
- Representation of interests in cases of administrative offenses
- Partitipation in trail
- Representation in the Supreme Court of Ukraine
- Representation of the European Court of Human Rights
- Representation in International Commercial Arbitration
- Representation in enforcement proceedings
- Representation of intersts of the public authorities
- Representation in economic courts
- Tax
- Consultation on tax legislation
- International tax law
- Arm and disarm the tax registration
- Change of information "form 1 - OPP"
- Getting notification, take in account, creating, changes the slave, close unit tax payer "Form 17-OPP"
- The application for re-registration of tax payer "form of 5-OPP"
- Application for termination of the taxpayer "Form 8-OPP"
- Application for deregistration due to change of place "form 9-OPP"
- Receipt of the unpaid taxes and obligatory payments to the tax payer "form 10-OPP"
- Get reference on deregistration taxpayer "Form 12-OPP"
- Notice / exclusion of tax payer to / from the category of large payers or on change of accounting tax payer "form of 15-OPP"
- Receive notices of the absence of a legal entity for the location "Form 18-OPP"
- Getting help on the absence of debt on taxes and duties (mandatory payments) "Form 22-OPP"
- Tax reporting
- Tax audits
- Obtaining certificates, certificates, permits, licenses
- Obtaining certificates on of debts to the state budget
- Obtaining the certificate of an individual serial number
- Receipt of the certificate of a unique registration number for a foreigner
- Obtain a certificate of VAT payer
- A certificate single tax
- Obtaining permission to register a cash register
- Getting trading patent
- Tax disputes
- VAT refund
- Removing mills 9
- Property
- Legal advice on real estate transactions
- Development and analysis of agreements related to real estate
- Legal expertise regarding real estate transactions
- Making excerpts from the Register of Immovable Property Rights
- Making technical certificate having technical inventory
- Conversion facilities / buildings from residential to non-residential
- Issue of ownership of real estate
- Privatization of property
- Building
- Lawyer Land Law
- Migration relations
- Get reference
- Preparation of official documents
- Legal consultation on contract law
- Legal analysis of the contract
- Legal support of when concluding the contract
- Preparation of a contract
- Preparation of foreign economic contracts
- Preparation of additional agreements
- Preparation of applications
- Preparation of complaints
- Preparation of claims
- Preparation of applications to law enforcement authorities
- Preparation of responses to claims, petitions, complaints and other references
- Legal assistance for international business in Ukraine
- Registration of company, firm, Limited Liability Company in Ukraine
- Provision of registered office
- Legal support of marriage and divorce with foreigner
- Legal assistance of surrogate maternity
- Adopting a child in Ukraine by foreigners
Our Video Blog
Legal services for business :: Our projects
Our projects
A company successfully works with an account receivable of the known Ukrainian insurance company
The company has signed a contract with the well-known Ukrainian insurance company to work with accounts receivable. In this project the company takes measures to recover the debt receivable insurance company is in the process of bankruptcy.