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Corporate services

Corporate service companies - one of the main activities of the law firm Aleksey Pukha & Partners. 

The company is a team of experienced professionals are able to resolve our daily tasks of clients. There are no such companies, where management does not glisten on the resolution of legal, accounting or personnel issues. It is up to the successful resolution of these problems depends on the financial portfolio and safe operation of the enterprise.

Outsourcing (from the English. Outsourcing: (outer-source-using) to use an external source / resource) - the transfer of the organization under a contract of specific business processes or business functions in the service of another company that specializes in the field.

The main advantage of outsourcing is essential:
  • significant cost savings the company (in the organization of the workplace, payroll, taxes and fees, purchase of supplies);
  • improving the efficiency of the enterprise (the possibility to release the appropriate institutional, financial and human resources to develop new areas or to concentrate on existing ones, requiring attention);
  • instruction execution of tasks of the company, which specializes in a particular industry (which removes the need to control personnel, timeliness of performance problems, improve the professional level of employees, specifying the deficiencies.)

Occupying a high place among law firms, the number of clients is constantly growing, the company decides to work every day, operational and strategic objectives of their clients Klientov.K number of companies includes companies engaged in road transport, georazvedovatelnymi work, woodworking industry, agriculture, wholesale supply, financial activities, pharmaceuticals and other industries.


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