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«Aleksey Pukha and Partners» represented Client's interests in the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine

Law company «Aleksey Pukha and Partners» successfully prepared the response in the framework of representing the interests of Ukrainian wholesale company in the Submission of Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine concerning preliminary findings in the case of violation of legislation on economic competition protection.

As part of this service lawyers of the company:

  • analyzed the Submission of Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine concerning violation of legislation on economic competition protection,
  • searched the market conditions and the existence of economic competition on it, where the client operates,
  • discovered and proved the absence of existence in actions of the client features of committing violation of legislation on economic competition protection, in the form of abuse monopoly (dominant) position,
  • prepared the response to the Submission of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine concerning preliminary findings in a case of violation of legislation on economic competition protection.

Lawyers of «Aleksey Pukha and Partners» have extensive experience of successful representation of clients’ interests in state authorities during tax audit, preparation objections concerning the decisions and conclusions of regulatory authorities.


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